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Circular construction

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Circular Flanders is the hub and the inspiration for the Flemish circular economy. It is a partnership of governments, companies, civil society, and the knowledge community that will take action together.


The Flemish Construction Confederation blogs on circular building topics in Flanders.


CE Top Tips offers a series of practical tips – for Clients, the Design Team, Contractors, Material and Product Manufacturers, and Demolition Contractors. The various tips can also be used as a checklist.


Architectura posts several times a month news about circular projects or events in Belgium.

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Platform CB'23 wants to connect construction-wide parties with circular ambitions. The aim is to draw up national (NL), construction sector-wide agreements on circular construction before 2023. 


In this research project, financed by Flanders Circular, WTCB, in collaboration with Groep Van Roey, has set up a database of circular processes, realisations and materials, collected from practice.

Government documents on circular building


Circular Economy - Implementation of the Circular Economy Action Plan

Towards a circular economy: promote sustainable economic growth and generate new jobs.


Circular Flanders - Bouwen in de circulaire economie

Flemish Government - Industrie 4.0


Brussels in transition to a circular economy - Construction Sector

The Netherlands

National Office for Enterprising Netherlands - Circular Building


Circular Policy Action Brief - World Business Council
for Sustainable Development

Circular building projects

Atelier Circulair

In eight workshops, a learning network of architects in Flanders and Brussels discusses various topics related to circular construction.

Sure 2050

Strategies to make public buildings future-proof (Flanders)


An EU project that has as aim to develop a modular facade panel which is able to adapt and to provide high energy use reductions and high energy harvesting.


A project by BrusselsRetrofitXL. They developed innovative techniques for the retrofitting of building envelopes: Architectural Industrialized Multifunctional Envelope Systems (AIM-ES).


The main purpose of project is to develop a RE4 prefabricated energy-efficient building concept that can be easily assembled and disassembled for future reuse. Funded by Horizon 2020.

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