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Tender dossier

Include a circular strategy in the tender dossier or create support for circular design strategies in the tender dossier.

When to take action?

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Who can take action?

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Client or contracting authority

Beginner expertise in circular building needed

Take action

  • ​Pour your motivation why you focus on circularity into a descriptive text.


  • Indicate which circularity aspects are most important for the building’s context.


  • Decide how the design team will be supported to implement circularity.


  • Specify the selection and award criteria.


  • Determine how the circularity of the building project will be evaluated during the design process.


  • Reflect if this tender dossier can be improved for future projects and if it can serve as an example for the construction sector.


Background knowledge (Action Awareness and understanding) and a vision on circular building (Action Circular vision).


The tender dossier includes a circular strategy.

Exemplary case

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't Centrum


Together with a consortium of 7 companies, Kamp C is realizing a flexibly adaptable office building. With its well-considered circular design and a conscious choice of materials, techniques, and innovative business models, this building should be a catalyst for circular construction in Flanders and beyond.


With a range of circular ambitions and a fixed budget, Kamp C challenged the market to build a consortium and to introduce innovative building solutions themselves. 


Read more on the project and its procurement and tender documents here.


More information and sources

Circular tendering: Where to start? by Bond Beter Leefmilieu


The Flemish Government has an action plan for sustainable public procurement.

Also have a look at the European Union Green Public Procurement and the Belgian sustainable public procurement.


Vademecum Circulair Bouwen - Leefmilieu Brussel

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