Disassembly plans
Make a disassembly plan. Apart from constructing with reversible connections, better guidance for the future disassembly stakeholders is developed to ensure a fast and correct disassembly of the building.
When to take action?

Who can take action?

Architectural designers and engineers
Advanced expertise needed
Take action
From the scenario planning exercise, evaluate which building components will be demounted.
Figure out which building components should be demounted first and which ones last, to generate the optimised disassembly plan for retrieving single or multiple components from a given building’s assembly.
Create graphical and textual disassembly plans.
Indicate if some precision or caution is needed when demounting certain components (to avoid destruction).
Architectural and technical plans
Plausible future scenarios (Action: Scenario planning)
Data on the materials and the building components (technical life cycle, performance, properties, etc.)
Ensuring a fast and correct disassembly of the building. Avoidance of demolition waste by reusing building components. The closing of material loops.
More information and sources
Denis, F. et al. 2018. Using Network Analysis and BIM to Quantify the Impact of Design for Disassembly
Sanchez, B. et al. 2020. A selective disassembly multi-objective optimization approach for adaptive reuse of building components
Hertoghs, P. et al. 2019. Quantifying the Generality and Adaptability of Building Layouts Using Weighted Graphs:
Level(s) by the European Commission