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Inspiring cases

Take a look at other realised project with a circular ambition, get inspired, and learn from other practices to faster integrate the circular principles in your project.

When to take action?

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Who can take action?

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All stakeholders

No expertise needed

Take action

  • Take a look at other realised projects with a circular ambition

  • Always consider the applied circular design strategies in their context. Circular design is context-specific.


  • Translate the references to your design to show what ‘circularity gain’ it provides: residual value after use; lower environmental impact; or less use of materials.


Building projects that have a high circular ambition and a high potential to be used in a circular way in the future (adaptable, reusable, etc.) can be a major inspiration. Always be aware that the applied circular strategies are linked to the building and its context. Before applying them to your building project, question how it will benefit a circular economy in this context.

More information and sources

Online platforms that share circular building projects:

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Gids Duurzame Gebouwen


Leefmilieu Brussel/ Bruxelles Environnement


Duurzame woningen


Ecobouwers, Bond Beter Leefmilieu


Pilot projects


FCRBE - Facilitating the circulation of reclaimed building elements in Northwestern Europe

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Case studies


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